Experimental video channel

Hello world @ Channel Dot & Comma on YouTube

OK. This is highly experimental. But after the results of the final LSI18 surveys i spent informally with the students, it was confirmed that they prefer to study by video rather than read.

Regarding online reference, I still understand. It's a love-hate relationship, but I understand. I'm serious, i'm sorry. However, I don't understand about the O'Reilly manual we used in class. It's super short (compared to others!) and it's much easier and faster to read and understand than anything else! But… It says the old saying:

"if you can't beat them, join them!"

That's why here's a new experience. I mean, this is the second time I've tried this (the first was in the AU for HTML tutorials with Dreamweaver). At the time, I recorded the demonstrations in direct class. It's the way it got. There wasn't much adherence.

This time, I "recruited" a pair of students —Julia and Cristiano—who promptly made themselves available to help. The result is this channel being mounted.

The first three videos — relating to the first Processing class where we approach the IDE, coordinate system, and 2D graphic primitives — are already online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPTgAp1V5E4&list=PLizm-nXRptFDmp7Wq9Rr9je0Nq3poAid2&index=3

Structure and quality are not yet what we want. The sound needs work. the framing and image quality (resolution and lighting) are subject to the material and rooms available (are we studying with Patricia a new model?). We are experimenting and iterating solutions (today we made six more videos with a slightly different setup, without projection, in FullHD, in another room…).

The goal is to find a setup, a formula that helps to do this in a simple and constructive way to guide and support the study in LSI (and for any student or enthusiast by Processing). After all, if Shiffman did it, why shouldn't we make it too?

If you have suggestions, corrections or comments, make us arrive! We hope it will be useful!

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