Robot Company

Finn stormtrooper soldier company
Finn stormtrooper soldier company

After the first week has passed —I’m curious to see the robots you’ve all made, especially because I’ve seen a “brutal” Robocop today afternoon, after the Typography class!. So, the first results of the code drawings have started arriving and we will see a few tomorrow!

There is usually always a couple os student who discover that you can draw vectorially in Illustrator and “copy-paste” the coordinates of points/primitives into the processing code. This allows you to greatly speed up the drawing process (before discovering and using the Tweak Mode!).

But anyway, despite being more or less fast, in this class/challenge, you’ll be taken to the “limit” of despair of “find-and-replace” editing mode. What you’ve done in absolute coordinates, you’ll begin to slowly alter into relative coordinates. First with the “corner” of the robot’s reference point. But for the most ambitious, already with the center of coordinates (to later use with pushMatrix).

For a visual reference to show in the next class tomorrow, here are some examples from last year. Notice that some are regularly played out, but most can already implement some randomness and make decision (conditions) cycles (loops) to insert one or another robot into different positions or give them different drawings…

And it doesn’t stick around. Class 2 also developed spectacular solutions

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